We do not Have a Dental Hygienist
You read that right! Dr. Aldo Sordelli does not have a dental hygienist. His patients alternate care between himself and their dentist's own hygienist. This system offers the most holistic approach to dental care. When your dentist or your hygienist sends you to our office, you will only be seen by Dr. Aldo Sordelli. Patients that are on a three-month recall love the convenience of seeing their own hygienist every six months, and Dr. Aldo every six months as well. We have used this unique system for 20 years and the patient reaps the benefits of optimal oral care.
Two Specialties Under One Roof
Our practice offers the unique service of providing periodontal and orthodontic care in the same office. Dr. Aldo Sordelli is a skilled periodontist and Dr. Aurora Sordelli is an experienced orthodontist. Together, they offer the convenience of a dual-specialty oral health practice. There are many benefits of having two specialists in the same place.
Ease of Consultation
Our patients enjoy the efficiency of having a trusted consultant so close by during all treatments. The combined knowledge of our doctors saves teeth, makes smile adjustment easier, saves time for our patients, and keeps the care process as streamlined as possible.
All Needs, All Ages
Some children and teens need the assistance of periodontic treatment before, during, or after their braces. Examples of these patients are those cases of missing teeth, impacted teeth, excess gum tissue between teeth, inadequate gum tissue around teeth, tongue and/or lip ties, etc. Drs. Aldo and Aurora Sordelli work together in these cases to ensure the most efficient and effective treatment.
In the adult, often with compromised malocclusion, usually the best treatment for the patient involves a multidisciplinary approach (orthodontist, periodontist, restorative dentist, endodontist, oral surgeon). Drs. Aldo and Aurora Sordelli work closely with the restorative dentist as well as all other specialists to ensure that the ideal treatment is performed on every patient every time. It is of upmost importance that the patient's treatment sequence is carefully planned having all specialists involved get together to study each individual patient.
A typical event in our office is the following: An adult patient comes in for an initial consultation to Dr. Aldo Sordelli to get teeth extracted, or to get surgical treatment to add bone or gum around these teeth. Dr. Aldo Sordelli finds that the malposition of these teeth is part of the problem and he asks Dr. Aurora Sordelli to evaluate the patient. This patient undergoes orthodontic treatment to save the teeth and no longer needs to have them pulled. Prognosis for this patient is much better now because teeth are centered in their bony base.
Special Needs Patients
Dr. Aurora Sordelli has a special place in her heart for patients with autism. Her brother is severely autistic and she feels super lucky to be able to treat autistic, Down syndrome, and other IDD patients with ease.
Consistency of Care
All of your records will be easy to access between your care providers and you will receive consistent treatment over time.
We structure our practice to provide compassionate and efficient service to all of our patients. We are dedicated to your comfort and improving your oral health as a team with an enthusiasm for patient-focused care.